It is the policy of AS Networks to safeguard and keep confidential the personal data of all our customers. We shall always observe and ensure our staff strictly adhere to all the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

AS Networks takes your right to privacy seriously and commits to protecting your personally identifiable information ("personal data") in line with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and other applicable laws. This Privacy Statement sets out our approach in handling personal data. 

This Privacy Statement applies to personal data collected by AS Networks’ but does not apply to personal data collected by other entities including those owned or controlled by or affiliated to AS Networks’, individuals that are not employees or agents of AS Networks’, or websites that are not under AS Networks’ control. 

AS Networks may amend this Privacy Statement from time to time. As such, you are expected to read this Privacy Statement each time you wish to provide your personal data to AS Networks. Substantial amendments to this policy will be announced on this website.

Collection and Use of Personal Data

Personal data will not be collected from a customer who is browsing our corporate website. However, when you visit our site, a record of your visit may show your domain name, server address and the pages you have accessed. Such information will be used to update the statistics on the numbers of visitors to the site. 

All the personal data collected by us will strictly adhere to the following principles according to our policy and the requirements of the Ordinance. 

Only the necessary personal data directly related to your application for any goods or services, request for services or to your enquiries, comments or suggestions will be collected.

Personal data held by us will not, without your prescribed consent, be used for other unrelated purposes for which they were collected. We may deliver marketing material to our customers. Our customers can contact us at any time and inform us that they do not wish to receive further marketing material from us. 

The legal basis we rely on for processing of your personal data may be:
  • your consent;
  • performance of contract or in order to enter into a contract with you or your
  • employer;
  • compliance with the AS Networks legal obligations;
  • protection of your vital interests as well as the vital interests of other individuals;
  • AS Networks performance of statutory duties; or
  • AS Networks legitimate interests

Accuracy and Retention of Personal Data 

All practicable steps will be taken to ensure that the data are accurate and up-to-date. Personal data will not be kept longer than they are necessary for our purposes and will be destroyed according to our internal policy. 

How Personal Data is collected by AS Networks 

AS Networks may collect personal data directly from you where it is necessary, reasonable or practical to do so. When we collect your personal data, we will inform you how we may use or disclose your personal data unless it is apparent at the point of collection. In some cases, it may be necessary, reasonable or practical for AS Networks to collect your personal data from other persons, with or without your knowledge or involvement as part of our statutory functions and for recruitment purposes. 

For visitors to AS Networks premises, AS Networks may collect personal data prior to entry for identity verification and security purposes. AS Networks also operates CCTVs at exterior perimeters and within our premises for safety of the visitors and AS Networks employees, crime prevention and crime detection which may collect photo videos or voice recordings of individuals.

Security of Personal Data

All practicable steps will be taken to ensure that personal data held by AS Networks are protected against unauthorised or accidental access, processing, deletion or other use. Personal data will not be disclosed unless otherwise permitted by law.

Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties

Efforts will be made to prevent your data being made available to third parties. However, we may share personal data with third parties if -
  • it is provided for in this Privacy Statement;
  • your consent is obtained;
  • a service provided requires interaction with a third party, or is provided by a third party on our behalf;
  • it is pursuant to legal action or law enforcement; or
  • it is to perform our statutory functions and exercise powers under the law
AS Networks may disclose your personal data to third parties including but not limited to:
  • financial institutions;
  • other parties authorised by you;
  • regulatory and governmental agencies as permitted or required by law, authorised by any order of court or to meet obligations to regulatory authorities;
  • past or future employers of AS Networks employees or prospective employees,
  • within and outside of Malaysia.
Where AS Networks appoints a third party service provider to process personal data on behalf of AS Networks, AS Networks will instruct such third party service provider to only process such personal data for the specific purposes as required by AS Networks. If we disclose any of your personal data to any person, we will require such person to appropriately safeguard the personal data provided to them. 

Data Subject's rights

Under certain circumstances, you may have the right under the law to:
  • withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data if we rely on your consent as the legal basis to process personal data;
  • request for confirmation whether your personal data is being processed by AS Networks, a copy of your personal data which AS Networks holds and information on AS Networks processing of such personal data;
  • request AS Networks to correct or complete your personal data held by AS Networks if it is incorrect, out of date, incomplete or misleading;
  • request for erasure of your personal data from AS Networks systems and records;
  • request AS Networks to suspend processing of your personal data;
  • request AS Networks to provide you with your personal data in a manner that allows you to transmit such personal data to a third party or, if technically feasible, to directly transmit such personal data to a third party;
  • object to AS Networks processing of your personal data;
  • not be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing without human involvement where such decision may produce legal effects or significantly affect you,
  • complain to the relevant data protection authority about the actions of AS Networks that may be in contravention of any data protection law applicable to AS Networks processing of your personal data. 
Where the data protection law applicable to AS Networks processing of your personal data does not provide for a right or set out limitations and exemptions which AS Networks may rely on, we have the right to deny your request or allow such request at our discretion. 

Cookies Policy 

When you visit our website, details about your visit may be recorded by AS Networks and our third-party service, Google Analytics, including through the setting and usage of cookies.

“Cookies” would be stored in your device. “Cookies” is a small-text file retrieved by the site, as part of our interaction with your web browser. AS Networks uses "Cookies" to capture your information (including but not limited to your Internet Protocol (IP) address, used web browser), webpages visited and session identifiers while no personal information is captured in the "Cookies". The information gathered by "Cookies" may be used for session management and tracking of web traffic statistics in which web visitors have visited. Most web browsers are initially set up to accept "Cookies". You can choose to block and/or remove “Cookies” by changing the settings on your web browser. Please note that if you enable blocking of cookies, it may limit certain features and functions in your use of our website. 
